Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Beware the Ides of March

If you are here in class, watching the movie clip above, then you are either like Julius Caesar, brave enough to ignore dire warnings,  or uninformed (you can assume what your teacher is by his absence). As talked about in class, Caesar decided to make himself dictator of Rome, and had himself honoured in a fashion that was reserved for Gods. This created enemies, and he was warned by a seer (somebody who can see the future) to beware the ides of March.

Knowing something about how Caesar was acting like a God adds to the enjoyment of this video clip below from the Simpsons.

1. Homer above has decided how he would use his power. Lisa has other advice.  If you were the dictator of mighty Rome,  perhaps the most dominant power to have ever existed, how would you use your power?

2. The ides of March was very bad for Julius Caesar, and his assassination has created much superstition round the date (rumour has it that your history teacher is presently hiding under a bed). Some 500 years after Julius's assassination, a even more tumultuous event occur, the collapse of the Roman Empire.  If Canada and the United States were to collapse today, no army, no police, no hospitals, no school, no money, no electricity, no running water, basically nothing  existing that is presently made possible by government, how would you spend the day?

Blog your answers below.


  1. 1. To be nice to the people and make a short wall around Rome
    2. hiding in my house board it up and if anybody goes in my house they will die

  2. 1. I would make it so that everybody learns discipline and has there own responsibilities in school. Also every person would have a job some would pay more some less like farmers and doctors would be the same because the farmer works hard and doctors have a stressful job with people.

    2. I would probably get on top of the biggest building and sit there. Probably also rob a bank no electricity and no alarms. Also make a bomfire on every crappy car.

  3. 1.Make rome stonger
    2.I would survive and hunt just for one day.

  4. 1. I would do things like get rid of prisons and just kill the person immediately because I think id rather have less bad people in this world and a prison takes up space, we could build so many other buildings instead of the prison.
    2. I would be going to the beach and go swimming then go play some basketball or if I was smart I would try to bring electricity back and help the world

  5. 1. I would take over the world starting with north korea
    2. I would find a way to restore Canada and take over the U.S.

  6. 1. I would make it so that kids would just go to school when they would wake up because I always have to get up early and I don’t want kids to go through that. I would also make it so that every kid could meet anyone they want. I’ve always wanted to just have the ability to see anyone I want. I would let kids do that.

    2. I would spend the day by hanging out with my friends and making the best of the crappy day. I would probably play a game of Fortnite in real life by throwing snowballs at each other. Then I would probably go hunt for food and build a fire to cook it with.

  7. 1) I would take away smoking & replace it with a type of smoke that doesn't hurt your lungs I would also make all health care free

    2) I would be looking for food for me & my family to eat while everything was bad & i'd walk as far as possible until I found someone or somewhere that would help us

  8. 1. to eat really good food and make sure my people are army are happy
    2. biking far far away until i die of who/whatever kills me

  9. 1) I would make it so everyone had to listen to me and always give me lots of avocados and nutella because I'm the best therefore I deserve to be treated like the best person alive.
    2) I would spend the day traveling because I don't have to pay for anything and since theres no planes ill walk and ill also take a lion and a peacock from the zoo to make my pets.

  10. Damien a Jayson a2:18 pm, March 20, 2018

    1. Homer above has decided how he would use his power. Lisa has other advice.  If you were the dictator of mighty Rome, perhaps the most dominant power to have ever existed, how would you use your power?
    stop the bread and circes

    2. The ides of March was very bad for Julius Caesar, and his assassination has created much superstition round the date (rumour has it that your history teacher is presently hiding under a bed). Some 500 years after Julius's assassination, a even more tumultuous event occur, the collapse of the Roman Empire.  If Canada and the United States were to collapse today, no army, no police, no hospitals, no school, no money, no electricity, no running water, basically nothing existing that is presently made possible by government, how would you spend the day?
    I would be hiding under my bed all day

  11. 1) I would try to prevent wars, and to do that id try to that I would offer things (food, money,clothes,goods, etc) to surrounding countries.
    2) people may start a riot, I would try to prevent my family from being apart of there riot. I also would learn how to make weapons, then begin the hunt. Most of my day would be spent hunting and collecting blankets and lighting candles. Canadians and Americans would start to fight and there would no longer be Canada and the usa because most security grades would leave to go home to there families. I believe other countries would begin to attack because we are seen as weak. I think the world we be better without phones but we still need other necessities, and a government with rules to follow.

  12. 1.) I would make all war stop, how? I would make peace with all people, and share food water and clothing material etc.

    2.) i feel that there would be like it might be a bit scary to go out side (wouldn't feel safe) because theres no police it might drive people to steal from stores, fights, riots. to be honest I think I would have weapons near me and just have my family close by me and eat cereal with them and just talk.

  13. I would make my sisters a huge base that they would live in I would have tons of guard dogs protecting her room and then I would have my most loyal and strong guards protecting my sisters so then no boys will talk to her unless I allow them to and then I would get a bunch of pet lizards and I would try to domesticate monkeys lizards alligators bears and the whale beaked stork because it looks mean. and then I would have an army of animals to take over everything and if none of the animals I named above turn out to not listen to me I will domesticate chickens and rodents why chickens because there fast scary and they repopulate easily and I would use rodents because they carry disease so if I am in a war I will release thousands into a city and then the land I am raiding will be infested with rats that carry diseases so then the city gets sick and its easier to take over because there army will be sick. I will transport these rodents by getting hostages from other armies and then force them to drive a chariot with a huge trailer full of these sick mice to the town and then when he drops them off he will possibly sick but I wont care because he would just be a hostage and I would fish lots play basketball make slavery illegal free the slaves and then give them jobs with pay.

