Monday 16 October 2017

Cocoa and the Mayans

Play the movie above, more information can be found here

1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?

2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.

3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?

4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?

5. Who is credited with creating the edible chocolate bar?

6. Find out why some people thought the world was going to end on  Dec 12, 2012


  1. 1 The Mayans enjoyed spicy cocoa. Another food item that is served in different ways is milk.
    2 It was a form of currency
    3 They added sugar to the cocoa to make it sweater because they had sweet teeth
    4 They used monks to swear on god to keep their drink safe and threatened to torture them for life.
    5 Joseph Fry was credited for the creation of the edible chocolate bar
    6 People thought this because it was when the Mayans calendar ended

  2. 1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?
    It tasted very spicy. a completely different taste would be Spaghetti!!!

    2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.
    It was also used as currency

    3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?
    They made it sweeter

    4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?
    They had monks that had taken a vow scilence so they could not talk about it

    5. Who is credited with creating the edible chocolate bar? Joseph Fry is credited with makeing it

    6. Find out why some people thought the world was going to end on  Dec 12, 2012
    because of the mayen clock
    1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?
    It tasted very spicy. Spaghetti!!!

    2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.
    It was also used as currency

    3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?
    They made it sweeter

    4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?
    They had monks that had taken a vow scilence so they could not talk about it

    5. Who is credited with creating the edible chocolate bar?
    to Joseph Fry

    6. Find out why some people thought the world was going to end on  Dec 12, 2012
    because of the mayen clock

  3. 1. It tasted spicy because they added cayan pepper to the drink that is why it tasted spice, an egg is served very diffrent because because you can hard boil cook on a pan or even raw
    2. They used it for currency
    3. The Spaniards changed the taste with sugar
    4. They had monks give an oath of silence and if they did say about the drink they would b killed and be tortured for eternity in hell

    5. Joseph Fry Was the person who created chocolate bar

    6. Because the Mayans thought the world was going to end on that day

  4. 1. they liked it spicy and bitter and a strawberries you can blend into a smoothie or eat them.
    2. it was used as currency (money)
    3. they added sugar
    4. they gave it to monks and told them the would be tortured for eternal life (they would be tortured forever)its they told anyone, the secret was kept until the 1600s
    5 Joseph Fry in 1847
    6. Because the Mayans had a calendar that went thousands of years but it didn't go past December 12, 2012.

  5. 1. the Mayans made the cocoa very spicey. another food item that is served in different was is progies it can be served fried boiled and deep fried and with bacon sour cream and more
    2. money and a drink
    3. the Spanish made the drink very sweet by adding sugar
    4. they used monks that took a vow of since to god not to spill the beans
    5 Joseph Fry in 1847

  6. 1. Spicy and bitter. Carrots are served in many different ways
    2. used as a form of currency
    3. They added sugar and milk
    4. The hired monks that made an oath to god that they wouldn’t speak or they would be tortured in real life and in hell for eternity
    5. Joseph Fry
    6. The mayans created a calendar that worked for thousands of and therefor it was believable that the world would end on Dec 12, 2012

  7. Hilary, Lexus, Sienna2:49 pm, October 18, 2017

    1- to the mayans the chocolate was '' magical ''. something that are served it different ways are chips.
    2- they are used for sacred rituals of birth, marriage, death.
    3- they changed the chocolate drink into something sweet by putting sugar in it.
    4- they would tell mucks to promise to god if they talk anything they would have to be torured in after life and life.
    5- Alexdrada Leaf

  8. 1. the cocoa beans tasted bitter and they added peppers to make the cocoa spicy

    2 the other thing cocoa beans were used for were currency

    3. the spaniards added sugar to make the cocoa drink better

    4. the spaniards security was if they told anybody they would be tortured in hell for eternity


    6.the mayans had a calendar that was thousands of years long and it enfded on dec 12 2012

  9. 1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?
    It tasted very spicy. eggs there is sunny side up, fried eta

    2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.
    It was also used as currency

    3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?
    They made it sweeter

    4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?
    They had monks that had taken a vow scilence so they could not talk about it

    5. Who is credited with creating the edible chocolate bar?
    to Joseph Fry

    6. Find out why some people thought the world was going to end on  Dec 12, 2012
    because of the mayen clock

  10. 6.The Mayans just ended it at 2012 because they thought they didn't need to go any further in the calendar but people thought different because the normal people thought that the Mayans knew that a Asteroid but it was nothing
    5 Johannes Van Houten

  11. 1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?

    Chocolate for the Mayans was Spicy.
    Bannock can be eaten different ways, Bannock with Jam, Bannock with butter, Bannock hot dogs, it can be baked or deep fried. You can have it with soup or cinnamon and sugar on top. You can also have bannock pizza or bannock tacos.

    2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.

    They used Cocoa beans as a form of money.

    3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?

    The Spaniards added sugar to the chocolate to make it sweet.

    4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?

    They used monks to do the work and keep the secret, Monks who had taken a vow of silence. These Monks believed that they would be tortured in eternal hell if they spoke.

    5 joseph Fry


  12. 2.what did the mayans and Aztecs use for cocoa beans is money did the spaniards change the taste is sugar
    4.what security precautions did they use for the people is to make a vow to god to be silenced
    5.who is credited for making chocolate bars James baker

  13. 1. They liked the spicy coca. Another drink that is served differently is milk cause it can be used in baking also ice cream, cheese, yogurt and other kinds of milk
    2. It was used as money
    3. They changed it by adding sugar
    4. They used monks who swore to God not to talk anymore and if they did they would be killed and tortured in hell eternally
    5. The Chocolate bar is cr
    6. They looked at the Mayans calendar and they stopped making the calendar because they thought the world was going to end in 2012
    (I needed 2 more words for number 5)

  14. 1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?

    Chocolate for the Mayans was Spicy.
    Bannock can be eaten different ways, Bannock with Jam, Bannock with butter, Bannock hot dogs, it can be baked or deep fried. You can have it with soup or cinnamon and sugar on top. You can also have bannock pizza or bannock tacos.

    2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.

    They used Cocoa beans as a form of money.

    3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?

    The Spaniards added sugar to the chocolate to make it sweet.

    4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?

    They used monks to do the work and keep the secret, Monks who had taken a vow of silence. These Monks believed that they would be tortured in eternal hell if they spoke.

    5 Joseph Fry
