Friday 27 October 2017

Egyptian Gods

You are stuck in a museum. To get out, you need to know something about Egyptian Gods. Go to this link to get the vital information about Egyptian Gods you will need for survival, then click on the challenge tab. Show the teacher that you have survived. 

The Great Pyramid of Giza

The Great Pyramid of Giza was built some 4,500 years ago, and for nearly 4,000 years was the tallest building in the World.  How big is our school compared to this fabled structure? See how many of the following ways to compare size you can complete.

The size of the Great Pyramid of Giza can be found from this Link.   Remember to show your work!

1.One way to compare is to measure the base area of Bruce and the Great Pyramid. Area is Width X Length

2.Another Way to measure is to compare the heights of the two structures. No climbing the school to find the height!!! Have someone stand beside the school estimate how many of them it would take to reach the top of the school.

3. Perhaps the most accurate way to measure the size is by comparing the volume.  Width X Length X Height/ gives us the volume of Bruce Middle School. The volume of a pyramid is  Width X Length X Height /3.

Blog your answers below

Wednesday 25 October 2017

More Pyramids

Don't forget to peruse the links provided above. There was much more to the pyramids than a huge mass of blocks.

Here is a great link about pyramids. Read the story, take the challenge. Now create a test.
1. Have a question on why the pyramids were built, this would be important.
2. Have at least 2 questions on how the pyramids were built.
3. Think of another question
4. Finally, have a question about the complex that surrounds the Khufu's Pyramid, which is something that archeologists have been finding more about in recent years.
Blog the questions and the answers below. We will be using this information in further classes.

Tuesday 24 October 2017


The class overwhelming wanted to learn about pyramids, so here we go.

Step Pyramids, oldest

Monday 23 October 2017

Ancient Egypt

View the picture and browse the multiple links above. Below post

1.What did you already know about Ancient Egypt before this class?

2.After browsing the links in the picture, what would you like to study about Ancient Egypt?

From the Fertile Crescent onto Ancient Egypt

Monday 16 October 2017

Cocoa and the Mayans

Play the movie above, more information can be found here

1. How did the cocoa taste that the Mayans enjoyed? Can you blog another food item that is served in very different ways, and/or some very different food habits?

2. Besides being consumed, give another use for cocoa beans by the Aztecs and Mayans.

3. How did the Spaniards change the taste of how cocoa is consumed?

4.What security precaution(s) did the Spaniards use to keep their production secrets safe?

5. Who is credited with creating the edible chocolate bar?

6. Find out why some people thought the world was going to end on  Dec 12, 2012

Friday 6 October 2017

We Day

The school is taking applications for this awesome event

The school has said they are looking for people who wish to change the world. The WE Day organization has a similar message,  they are looking for people willing to make a difference in the World. Below is the criteria set out by the school. This year Ms McGowan is taking in the applications.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead

Tuesday 3 October 2017


Oral history is often not given the respect it deserves in our culture that values things being written down. Here is an example. Still, being able to communicate by writing can be a big advantage, especially if you can't meet in person.  Writing first happened in the Fertile Crescent, soon after farming became a lifestyle. A big push to start writing was that it was a good way to keep track of taxes. It was awhile before an actual alphabet was used. People drew pictures or symbols to convey their message. We still do today, such as with emoticons.

In your groups, and without using any alphabetical figures, communicate the following message on your sheet of paper.

Brenden is selling high quality grain, good for bread, for 10 chickens a gur.
Ashly is selling lower quality grain, good for animal feed, for 5 chickens a gur.