Monday, 1 February 2016

Who are the Gods?

We have presented various major Greek Gods and read some stories about them. If you were to cast people into the roles of the various Greek Gods, Heroes and Creatures, who would be what? For example:

Mr. Lipinski-Zeus, because he is the head of the school and probably would like to use a Thunderbolt during indoor recess.

Brooke-Artemis, because Artemis and Brooke are athletes who care for animals

Kardashians- Dionysus, because the Kardashians only seem interested in partying.

Ms Lelieveld-Hermes, because she takes care of all the messages in our school.

In your groups, take ten Greek gods and blog below people you would cast as those gods and why.

Here is a link to the wikipedia site that lists over a dozen of the Greek gods, along with statues dating back to Ancient Greece

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