Monday, 5 December 2016


Using Timeline 3D, start a timeline, include the dates below. Be sure to use a link(or text to describe the date), and picture for each date you add. The dates should already be in your notes, and they can also be found in the links provided by the teacher.

-The oldest  homo sapiens remains dates back to . . .
-Mt. Toba happened . . .
-The Great Leap forward occurred . . .
-The last Ice Age started, ended, was coldest (3 separate dates) . . .
-Agrarian Societies started . . .
-People started to farm in Egypt (settlers)
-Hieroglyphics first appeared . . .
-Great Pyramid of Giza built . . .
-Alexaner the Great conquered Egypt
-Cleopartra, who many considered the last pharaoh, died . . . 

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Ancient Egyptian Project

The agreed upon rubric is in the handout box. We decided that presentations weren't due till Wednesday. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Why did Steve Martin danced that way?

Be prepared to explain the unusual style that ancient Egypt artwork depicted people. More information here

Group discussion followup

In our group discussion yesterday, many of the groups seemed to be in concurrence. Having the same opinion isn't a bad thing and might even be expected on some of the statements. It is good to be able to see the other side, and understanding different opinions can help one understand their own opinion. Read the statements below and the reactions from the groups. If the writing is mainly green, that means most groups agree, so blog a negative opinion. If the writing is red, that means most groups disagreed, so blog a positive opinion.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Group Discussion

Around the classroom are various statements. In your group, discuss the statements, you will have several minutes at each station. Post a short reply on the paper to each statement. The reply can be as a group, or if the group doesn't agree, they can be individual replies. Your group has 3 colour markers.

Green-Go-You are agreeing with the statement.

Red-Stop-You don't agree with the statement

Blue-Either/or-You don't really agree or disagree with the statement.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Exploring an Ancient Egyptian Tomb

The pyramids where built as tombs. Other types of tombs were also used in ancient Egypt to bury Pharaohs. The Valley of the Kings, in ancient Egypt, is a treasure trove of tombs, including King Tutankhamen.

Click here to go an an adventure in Egypt finding a tomb.

If done early, explore this famous tomb

No hockey songs or soccer songs!!!! If you must, headphones and this song

Monday, 7 November 2016

Timeline Ancient Egypt

Blog below the following dates.
1.When people started to settle in the Nile Valley
2.When Hieroglyphics started to be developed.
3.When the Rosetta Stone was carved.
4.When Alexander the Great came from Greece and conquered Egypt.
5.When Cleopatra, considered the last Egyptian pharaoh, died.
6.When the Great Pyramids were built

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Kidblog and your Ammit's

Great job on the Ammit's. We will soon have a Kahoot on them, based on the questions in the previous posts.  Quickly review the Ammit's, and make sure your kidblog BELONGS to the Tech Kidblog AND the Social Studies Kidlbog. The join code for Tech Lab is tnvnqtu

The join code for Social Studies, as posted earlier, is rfui9jp

Friday, 28 October 2016

Friday, Oct 28

We are marking the the 5 questions based on the 5 minute movie below. A reminder, as told at class and which was on the announcements, that extra help is available after school and at lunch to get these 5 questions done.

Whose charming demon has the tail of a dog?
Whose demon attacks when one is tying their shoes?
Whose demon would kill everyone in the village?
Whose demon eats anything in its path?
Whose Ammit eats wimpy soccer players?
Whose Ammit attacks by first clawing out the eyes?
Whose demon hunts on land AND water?
Whose Ammit has a Prairie Dog behind?

Checking the Grade 8 Tech Kid-Blog
Whose demon is the friendliest and safest to be around?
What kind of weather does Caylin's Ammit like?
Where does Adelina's Ammit live?
What does Christina's Ammit eat?
Where does Abby's Ammit live?
Natalie's demon really likes eating what?
Why can Zander's demon climb trees?
How does Davenport's demon drink maple syrup?
Claire's demon has the teeth of what animal?

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

How are you doing, grade wise?

Your entered marks are here, log in with your computer id and log in password. If doing this with an app on an IOS device, the district code is SMTF

Monday, 3 October 2016

Writing and Money

New to us, but old to early people, are the everyday tools and skills used to survive. 

With the power of writing, Hammurabi, the Babylon king who conquered what was Mesopotamia, gave the kingdom a set of rules to live by, with clear consequences for breaking those rules. This helped make everyone accountable, a clear set of rules for all to live by, though the rules did not treat everyone fairly. 
Browse through the list. Blog the answers below
1. If Mariah's locker was robbed and we don't catch the robber, then what do we have to do?

2. How much would Joshua have to be paid for working in the fields for a whole year? (hint, look in the 250s)

3. If Aiden accuses Christina of cheating at volleyball, and Christina can swim in the river, what happens? If Christina can't swim in the river, what all happens?

4. The concept of money also began in Mesopotamia. Explain how the concept of money makes it easier to buy a onion rings at A&W and then a slurpee at 7-11.

Writing and Money

New to us, but old to early people, are the everyday tools and skills used to survive. 

With the power of writing, Hammurabi gave Mesopotamia a set of rules to live by, with clear consequences for breaking those rules. This helped make everyone accountable, a clear set of rules for all to live by. 
Browse through the list. Blog the answers below
1. If Mariah's locker was robbed and we don't catch the robber, then what do we have to do?
2. How much would Joshua have to be paid for working in the fields for a whole year?

3. The concept of money also began in Mesopotamia. Explain how the concept of money makes it easier to buy a onion rings at A&W and then a slurpee at 7-11.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Join Kidblog

If you haven't done so already, Create a blog using Kidblog. Use this link and sign in with the same user name and password that you use to get onto your computer

Once you have created your kidblog, join the Social Studies class with this code rfui9jp

Here are some instructions if you need extra help

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

The Cold War

With Lyndon Johnson's new biography coming up, how and why did the Cold War heat up!!

The Industrial Revolution

Read this link here 

1. What was the role of the spinning wheel in the Industrial Revolution?

2. How many shirts would one have before the Industrial Revolution?

 3.How did the lives of people changed with the invention of the modern factory?
-How one lived
-Where one lived
-Social Mobility
-Living conditions

4. What was, is a luddite? What motivated them?

Age of Elightenment

Not in our curriculum, but how do you get from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution with Enlightenment?

In the teacher provided Links at the top of the page, I have posted sites that give information about changes in society that led to the Renaissance, which means Rebirth. Devour those pages and become a class expert on what lead to the Renaissance. Using the links found in the link above, title 'links,' find the main causes for the start of the Renaissance. Be prepared to defend your answer.

Friday, 6 May 2016


With help from what was shown in class, and these links, link 1link 2link 3, answer the following questions.
1.What was the purpose for building such an elaborate structure?
2.What use did gargoyles have?
3.Why were flying buttresses needed?
4.Besides allowing light, what other purpose did stain glass windows serve?
5.List five other interesting facts you found about the Cathedrals.
6.What techniques were used to give the impression of height and light?
7.Why did they want to give the impression of height and light?
8.Compare your answer in number 7 to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians,Greeks and Romans.

Wednesday, 20 April 2016

The Middle Ages

Explore the links in the picture above. Blog below 3 things you would like to learn about the Middle Ages

Upcoming Middle Ages feast

Next week we have our banquet, so we will  practice behaving like we belong to the court. Here is a link to the Code of Chivalry and Courtly Love and here it is again in more modern language. Here is a link to some common terms and some more common phrases are here. Here is a link to Eleanor of Aquitaine, who helped advance the cause of chivalry. 

Thursday, 14 April 2016

Fight to the Death Thursday

Only having half our class today, we will spend it fighting to the death. Click here, and good luck

When you can show the teacher that you can win 3 fights in a row, then you get to be an Emperor! Go  here to face the problems that 3 actual emperors had to face and make decisions on how to solve the problems.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Project Timeline

Wednesday-March 16
Double period-Chariots completed
Thursday-March 17
30-1minute video extolling the virtues of your chariot handed into the teacher.
Monday-March 21
Coding chariot to go around the 10ft bench
Tuesday-March 22
Final testing and viewing of the videos
Wednesday-March 23
2 Races
Race 1 Old School Roman Style
Mass Start-all the chariots compete. First Chariot to complete 7 laps.
Race 2 New Age
Timed race done with coding.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Roman Roads

Information on Roman roads is here and here 1. Give 2 reasons why good roads would be important 2. Who did most of the road building? 3. How would the engineers keep the roads straight over a long distance? 4. What were stone markers used for? 5. What form of traffic did the roads most often see? 6. What similarities are there between how the Roman roads were build and how our highways are built?
POST Answers Below!

Field Trip to Siloam Mission

Field Trip April 11, Monday Afternoon, to Siloam Mission

Citizenship and Social Responsibility are major outcomes of the Social Studies curriculum. Siloam Mission is a local charity that our school has supported. For the afternoon of April 11, we have arranged a tour and presentation at Siloam Mission. We will be leaving school at 1pm and be back before 3:30. Attached is the permission form that was handed out in class. Only the first page needs to be returned. We are in need of a driver and if you could volunteer, please contact me.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Later this month is the day of the Snake of Sunlight

The fantastic stories of huge abandoned cities in the jungle are actually true, they are Mayan cities, and nobody really knows what happened

Read this Article and answer the questions below from your reading.

1. Why would being painted blue not be a good thing to living a long life?

2. Name two Mayan Gods

3. Name something used for currency

4. Name a theory as to why this large and powerful society collapsed

5. What development enabled the Mayan people to build a large empire?

Thursday, 25 February 2016

Ancient Greek Projects


















Thursday, 18 February 2016

Project on Ancient Greece

Step 1 Think of what topic you want to do the project on
Step 2 Do some research and become familiar with your topic
Step 3 Modify your topic to reflect your interest and the facts you were able to find (For example, my topic may have started out as being about the Acropolis, but after my research I may slightly alter my topic to be about the Parthenon, a the famous building from the Acropolis that looks down upon Athens.)
Step 5 Find a picture for your Topic
Step 6 Using Thinglink, record 20 facts and at least 5 sources upon your picture.

Some Thoughts of projects
Olympic Games
Role of Women
Burial Practices
The Parthenon
Golden Age of Athens
Famous Philosophers/Scholars

Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Your Myth

Study the myth your group has picked. Carefully in iMovie trailer, plan out how you will convey your myth. Then using props, green screen, and great acting, create your trailer.

Monday, 1 February 2016

Battle of 300

Who are the Gods?

We have presented various major Greek Gods and read some stories about them. If you were to cast people into the roles of the various Greek Gods, Heroes and Creatures, who would be what? For example:

Mr. Lipinski-Zeus, because he is the head of the school and probably would like to use a Thunderbolt during indoor recess.

Brooke-Artemis, because Artemis and Brooke are athletes who care for animals

Kardashians- Dionysus, because the Kardashians only seem interested in partying.

Ms Lelieveld-Hermes, because she takes care of all the messages in our school.

In your groups, take ten Greek gods and blog below people you would cast as those gods and why.

Here is a link to the wikipedia site that lists over a dozen of the Greek gods, along with statues dating back to Ancient Greece

Your Shield

In your groups, demonstrate your own phalanx

Don Cherry says that his teams almost always win in overtime. The advice he gives them, and basically the only advice, is to "Go out on your shield." Hopefully his players were paying attention in history class and hopefully you were too.
"Come back with your shield, or on it" and "Go out on your Shield" has the same basic meaning. Explain what is meant

Thursday, 28 January 2016

The Gods

As a review

More about greek gods here and here. From each of the two sites, read how people were created. Which version did you like better, why?  Take some time to read some of the other stories of Greek Gods.

Monday, 25 January 2016

KidBlog and Philosophy

Sign up for KidBlog Go to this link and enter this code gpip9qf

Post a video or picture on your blog that represents a philosophy that you feel is appropriate to live a quality life. Add a comment to explain your reasoning.

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Athens and the birth of democracy

Using the link for guidance, blog the answers to the following questions.
1.Who were the people that were able to vote in Ancient Athens?
2. How many years ago did democracy start? 
3.What does the word democracy mean?
4. What is a city-state?
5. What is the origin of the word Democracy?
A simple majority won in Ancient Athens and in Canada today. This system has some flaws when there are more than two choices. Here is a graph of what kind of ice cream to buy for the class, 1 is the first choice, 3 is the last choice. If we were to pick the ice cream flavour, the way Canada picks its leaders:
7. Which ice cream flavour would we buy?
8. What would be the problem with this choice?
9. What other system could be used?

10. Has democracy been in constant use since Ancient Greece?

Monday, 18 January 2016

Our Rights

A hundred years ago this month women in Manitoba were the first women in Canada allowed to vote. Women though were still not legally considered people till 15 years later.

 1. If half of the adults in Canada could not vote and were not legally considered people, what would that mean for Canadian society and the decisions made by the people in power?

Read this link here

2. What issues were the Women's Christian Temperance  Union concerned about?

3. In 1918 when women (but not all women) gained  the right to vote, Canada was at war, a war supported by the government. How did this influence how women got the vote?

4. What did the Supreme Court of Canada unanimously (all agreed) say about women being people?

5. What rights should exist in Canada that presently don't exist. Or, what rights do you think people shouldn't have but presently do.

Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Easter Island

The Mystery of Easter Island

1. What do scientists think the island looked like before people arrive? What is some of the evidence they would have for this thought?
2. What event would have trapped the people on the island and cut their ability to fish?
3. What lesson can humanity learn for Easter Island? Do you think we will learn this lesson?

An article is here

Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Ancient Greece

Manitoba Curriculum

Culture of Ancient Greece 
Examples: classes of citizens, slavery; role and status of children,
women, and men...
KI-015 Compare and contrast life in Sparta and Athens.
Examples: social roles, education, governance, beliefs...
KI-016 Describe the importance of Greek myths in ancient Greek
KH-031 Identify people, events, and ideas in ancient Greece and
VH-011 Appreciate stories, legends, and myths of ancient societies

as important ways to learn about the past.

 KC-002 Describe the rise of democracy in ancient Greece.
 KC-003 Compare criteria for citizenship and participation in
government in ancient Greece and in contemporary Canada.
 VC-001 Appreciate the contributions of ancient Greece to
modern concepts of citizenship and democracy.
 VP-016 Appreciate the benefits of citizenship within a

Legacy of Ancient Greece & Rome
 KH-032 Identify ways in which today’s world has been
influenced by the ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.
Examples: the arts, philosophy, science, mathematics...
 KP-046 Identify factors that influenced the rise and decline of
ancient Greece and Rome.
 KE-056 Describe technologies and achievements in ancient
Greece and Rome.
Examples: architecture, transportation, weapons, aqueducts...
 VI-005 Appreciate the enduring qualities of the arts, architecture,
science, and ideas of ancient Greece and Rome.

Monday, 4 January 2016

Reviewing your Notes

Know . . .
1. About when did Cleopatra die
2. About when were the great pyramids of Giza built
3. Most people in Ancient Egypt occupied what level of society
4. Hieroglyphics had about how many characters and was read in which direction
5. The importance of the Rosetta Stone
6. When  Alexander the Great conquered Egypt
7. Several used for papyrus
8. The importance the Nile
9. The original coverings of the Great Pyramid of Giza
10. The original use of the pyramids
11. The god of the Sky
12. Most common food and drink
13. Common eating utensils
14. Most common fruit
15. God of the Afterlife
16. How they thought one became sick
17. How the outside of the sphinx looked originally
18. The purpose of the death mask
19. Why paintings of people look twisted
20.  The god who was the protector of Egypt
21. Several common means of transportation
22. What most common building were made from
23. What prominent building in Winnipeg makes use of beliefs from Ancient Egypt?
24. What happened to most of the internal organs of a mummy
25.  What ingredient was used to preserve the body?
26.  Only pharaoh whose tomb has been found largely intact