Thursday 15 October 2015


Voting in Canada, 2015.  One person gets elected from each riding. Many of the people running represent one of the 4 major political parties, Conservatives (in power ), NDP (Official opposition), Liberals (leading in the polls at the moment), Green Party. Those elected become members of parliament and the ruling party is the party that has the confidence of parliament. At the link given below, are question about where you stand on some major issues in the this campaign. Based on your answers to those questions, the site will gauge the parties your views most closely align with. This of course may not be who actually support,  single issues like Day Care or Canada's Defence may be very important to you and would sway your vote to a particular party. Then of course, you may think a person running in your riding is a really good representative, even if that person isn't running for your favourite party.

Click on this link here and then wait for the teacher to start

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