Monday, 11 May 2015

The Black Death

How would the world's most deadly pandemic lead to an improved lifestyle? Read this link and this link to get a better understanding of  the Pestilence.

1. From your reading, why would the term Black Death be used for the Bubonic Plague?
2. Describe how years of good crops and population growth followed by two years of dismal crops would be a good condition for the plague to attack.
3. How did increased trade lead to the spread of the plague?
4. IMPORTANT-What happened to the worth of the Serfs after the plague decimated much of the population in the country side.
5. How was urine and manure used in efforts to stop the plague
6. How did the above method actually probably help with the spread of the plague?
7. Why would people confess to causing the plague by poisoning wells and what punishment did the Christian majority bestow upon many of the Jewish faith?
8. Give a name that the plague was called during the Middle Ages.
9. How were those that died used as weapons by the Tartars?
10.What percentage died from the Black Death and why would that number be hard to verify?
11.Why did people think changing clothes would make you more likely to get the plague?
12.The plague had 3 forms, depending on how it is caught (explained here). Two of the forms are treatable today. One form still isn't treatable and has about a 100% death rate. Which form is so deadly?
13.Being as precise as you can, state what creature spread the plague

A nursery rhyme that some say describes the Black Death.

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