Tuesday, 18 September 2018

How do you say that year?

We  need to get our terminology right. How do we keep track of time? It depends on who is doing the counting -We, and most of the world, use the Gregorian Calendar (also called the Western Calendar and the Christian Calendar) -The latest version of the Calendar was created in the Middle Ages in Vatican City.  A.D. translates into the year of the lord.  C.E. is also used instead of A.D. and means Common Era. We are in the year 2018 A.D. or 2018 C.E.. B.C. translates into before Christ. B.C.E is also used instead of B.C. and means Before Common Era. There is no Zero year on the calendar. 1BC(or BCE) is followed by 1AD(or CE)  Here is a link to various calendars throughout history. 

A century means a hundred, as in a hundred Roman soldiers. The first hundred years is 1-101, so 77 is in the first century. What century would 77 be in? 1777? Remembering your math, 1777 is in the 1700s, so we could say the year 1777 is in the 17 hundreds, or the 18th century. Doesn't matter if it is B.C. or A.D.