Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Roman Law

Much of how modern legal systems work (particularly Civil law) is derived from the Romans. We have even kept the latin termonology for many of our legal practices. The following four principles were derived by the romans and remain an important part of our legal system.
1-All citizens have the right to equal treatment under the law.
2-A person is innocent until proven guilty.
3-The burden of proof rests with the accuser rather that the accused.
4-Any law that is unreasonable or grossly unfair will not be upheld by the court.

 A list of some of the Roman laws can be found here. With the previous link and this link, answer the following questions. 1. Was anyone above the law? 2. Were the laws written fairly, treating everyone equally? 3. How many times can I try and sell my son? 4. What would happen to Weird Al if he lived in Ancient Rome? 5.The right to be judged by your peers the Romans took from which society?

Thursday, 25 January 2018

Bread and Circuses

Find out some information about this wonder of the Ancient Roman Empire. More information here and here and here

Circus Maximus and the Colosseum were/are in the city of Rome. Here is another entertainment facility, this time located outside the city of Rome. Such entertainment centres were very common and found in many Roman centres.

1.By using Bread and Circuses (Games), how might the ruling class keep the people happy?
2. What often was the cost to attend many of these forms of entertainment?
3. What forms, mention several, did this entertainment come in?
4. The Winnipeg Jets are owned by Mark Chipman, a rich local business man, and by David Thompson, Canada's richest man.  Yet this past year the Jets were subsidized (Free Press, Jan 25) with 13.5 million dollars of public money. Would our public leaders be using the same methods as Roman leaders? Explain.  

The Keystone Province

Manitoba's nickname is The Keystone Province.  How is nickname connected to Ancient Rome? (hint, 2 reasons why we are called the Keystone Province)

Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Introduction to Ancient Rome

Ancient Greece Review

As we head into Rome, many of the concepts we studied in Ancient Greece will be reviewed again, as the Roman Empire did a great job of assimilating other cultures, especially the Greeks (review the Borg from Star Trek).
Terms that should spark something in your memory from our studies

City States
Ancient Stories, legends, myths

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

The Play, then the Banquet

As we wind up our Greek studies, today we do the play about the Cyclops, on Friday we have our Greek banquet. For the banquet bring something, such as a Greek poem, food, or artifact. Also come as a character from Ancient Greek. 

Thursday, 18 January 2018

Ancient Greece, a seafaring Nation

Ancient Greece was a collection of city states located among various islands and along the European coast of the Mediterranean and Aegean Sea. Ancient sea wrecks and the knowledge they contain are found on a regular basis. At this site here, explore the geography and enjoy the story. Then, take the challenge. 

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Monday, welcome back

Have you done the questions on a Greek Gods, your timeline, and the questions on philosophy? If so, read in the posts below the Ancient Greek stories. Tomorrow we will be making movie trailers based on the stories you like best.