Tuesday, 19 December 2017

The History of Winter Celebrations

Iroquois Winter Celebration
1.What is the stirring of the Ashes and what do ashes represent?

2.What did you find interesting about the Iroquios celebration?

Winter Celebrations around the World

3.While eating food cooked in oil, what game might you play during Hanukah?

4.What celebration sounds interesting to you? Why?

The History of Christmas in Canada
 5.Who is Santa Claus based from?
6.How did Christmas trees become a thing for English speaking countries?
 7.What type of pie is  traditionally eaten in Quebec on Christmas Eve?

The History of Christmas
8.Who popularized gift giving on Christmas?
9.What day used to be gift giving?
10.Which god did the Romans honour in the middle of Winter?

Diwali-Festival of Lights
11.This popular festival is held during the Autumn in India. What is the key ingredient to this Festival to mark the victory of good over evil?

12.Why would many cultures from the Northern Hemisphere have winter festivals that feature light, greenery, and food?

13. Christmas hasn't always been popular among Christians. It is now a very popular celebration, but what remains as the big religious day for Christians?

14.Santa Clause has been accused of being a shill popularized by Coca-Cola. What is a shill?

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Ancient Sayings

Match the Greek and Roman sayings below with the appropriate letter. Blog your answers. 

~ Cicero (106 BCE–43 BCE), Roman author, orator, and politician
1 “Your very silence shows you agree.”
~ Euripides (484 BCE–406 BCE), Greek tragic dramatist
2“Young men’s minds are always changeable, but when an old man is concerned in a matter, he looks both before and after.”
~ Homer (800 BCE–700 BCE), Greek epic poet
3 “To be loved, be lovable.”
~ Ovid (43 BCE–17 CE), Roman poet
4“The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
~ Plato (427 BCE–347 BCE), Greek author and philosopher in Athens
5 “If women are expected to do the same work as men, we must teach them the same things.”
~ Plato
6 “Enjoy present pleasures in such a way as not to injure future ones.”
~ Seneca (5 BCE–65 CE), Roman dramatist, philosopher, & politician
7 “I am not an Athenian or a Greek, but a citizen of the world.”
~ Socrates (469 BCE–399 BCE), Greek philosopher in Athens
8 “Money: There’s nothing in the world so demoralizing as money.”
~ Sophocles (496 BCE–406 BCE), Greek tragic dramatist
9 “Carpe Diem”
10 “Et tu, Brute?”
11 “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori.”
12 “Veni, vidi, vici.
13 “Quid pro quo

A To be liked, be likeable

B Working for the paycheque
C Speak up if you disagree, let your voice be heard
D Something for something
E You too Brutus?
F Age and wisdom is not choosing the shiny car, but 
making decisions looking at the past and future
G I came, I saw, I conquered
H Equality isn't just having the same access to apply for jobs, it is also having the same training.
I Seize the Day!!
J How sweet it is to die for your country
K Have fun, but don't be stupid
L The U.S. has a very low voter turnout, and Mr. Trump is now their President
M We are all citizens of the World

Philosophy-The meaning of life

“Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”Aristotle

"The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing." Socrates

"We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light." Plato

Above are the 3 heavy hitters among a huge team of great Greek philosophers. Their names would appear on any Western list of history's most important philosophers.

Take this quiz to find which philosopher aligns with your beliefs.

Share with the class what your result was. If you got the Greek philosopher Empiricus, he was famous for stating that one should never assume anything, true or false, until it is proven. If you got the Greek philosopher Plato, he was famous for stating that there are some eternal truths, like beauty and equality, and that knowledge comes from reflection, not observation.

1. Who are the big 3 in philosophy?
2. How did they know each other?
3. What is the Socrates Method? What do you feel about this method?
4. Who was put to death by the government (by drinking hemlock). Why would he do such a thing?
5. Who wrote The Republic, one of the most important works in philosophy and did much in shaping our sense of justice in the Western World.

Ancient Greek Gods

Ancient Greek Gods were immortal, but flawed. Their stories entertained people and gave lessons. Read some of the stories found here.

The stories of Ancient Greece

The myths that were told in Ancient Greece were told for entertainment, to pass on lessons, and to explain how the world works. The visuals for these stories were the stars in the skies.

Read some of the myths provided here. Some of the names at this link have been changed to the Roman names. 

Some Major Dates

Below are some dates from Ancient Greece and some events we have already talked about. Put these dates down on your timeline and publish onto KidBlog. Again, be sure to include a link, text to describe the date and a graphic with each date.

Trojan War 1190 bce (?)
Classical Greek Period (Our primary area of study) ~500-323 bce
Democracy first starts to grow in Athens 507 bce
Battle of Marathon 490 bce
Battle of Thermopylae (300) 480 bce
Socrates 469-399 bce
Parthenon built 447-432 bce
Plato 424-347 bce
Aristotle 384-322 bce
Alexander the Great reigns and conquers 336-323 bce
Rome starts to take over Greece 168 bc
Rome effectively controls Greece with the sacking of Corinth 146 bce

Monday, 11 December 2017

Greek Gods

The Greek Gods were responsible for the weather and many other things that happened on Earth. They were also responsible for people.  Here are two versions of how people were created and what resulted- here and here. From each of the two sites, read how people were created.
1-Which version did you like better, why?
2-Remember the Titans? What were they?
3-Describe the first woman. Know a similar story?
4-What good does Pandora bring to the world?

Friday, 8 December 2017

This is Sparta

Explore this link about Sparta. Know the word Spartan and Austere. We are studying Sparta since the 5th century B.C.E. With that in mind,  what 3 qualities were boys raised to have? What qualities were women expected to have? Be able to describe in a few sentences what growing up in Sparta would.

After doing that, take this challenge to see if you have what it takes to be a spartan warrior

The shield

In your groups, demonstrate your own phalanx

 Don Cherry says that his teams almost always win in overtime. The advice he gives them, and basically the only advice, is to "Go out on your shield." Hopefully his players were paying attention in history class and hopefully you were too.
"Come back with your shield, or on it" and "Go out on your Shield" has the same basic meaning. Explain what is meant

Which Olympic God are you?

1. Find out which God you are with this link here. Share with the class by blogging below.

This site is provided by the Winnipeg Art Gallery, which had a real neat exhibit, details here

Open the links below in Internet Explorer
2. Build your own Greek Temple here. Show the result to the teacher

3. Solve the Great Plague of Athens here. Share your success with the teacher

4, (maybe) Navigate the year as a farmer in Ancient Egypt  (link might not work, but if it does, again, show your success to the teacher)

5. Information on two famous Greek battles and a chance to be a navy commander is here. Show the teacher how you won the battle.

6. The marbles of Parthenon belong where . . . ? Give an answer and be prepared to defend your answer.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Where is Ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece still influences us

What connection do The Simpsons have with Ancient Greece?

Life in Ancient Greece

Life in Ancient Greece and Life in Ancient Greece
Everyday life in Ancient Greece had differences than life here today on the Canadian prairies.
1. List some of the food in ancient Greece. Which ones are familiar to you? Olives, Cheese, Wine, wheat Which ones do we grow here?Wheat, grapes
2. List some activities that were done in Ancient Greece and are also done here. Sports
3. List some differences between everyday life in Ancient Greece and life today.
4. What games were first held in Ancient Greece and are now held every four years? Olympics What were the original sports? Wrestling and . . . 

Class Structure

Compare the class structure in Ancient Greece and Canada today. What differences and/or similarities strike you?
Read this article that has some more detail about life in Ancient Greece. Be sure to know what a polis is. Also be familiar with the term metic, and free people. What social class did women belong to?

Everyday Life in Athens
Click here for life in Athens
1. Who was subjected to the kleroterion?
2. Where is it more honourable for a woman to be?
3.What gambling game is played?
4.Name another use for gold coins other than a money use.
5.What or who is a paidagogos?
6.What time of day do the boys engage in physical activity?
7.Finish this sentence. Plato taught at the _______________________ (hint, it is a school, but it wasn't called that).
8.Bonus-Using the socratic method, tell us what the socratic method is (hint, think about the show Jeopardy)
Click on challenge and try your luck as one of the Scythian slaves in Ancient Greece who rounded up the Citizens to vote (Flash player)

Monday, 4 December 2017

Introduction to Ancient Greece

Philosophy and your Driving Future

Take this ethics test here and view the analysis of your decisions. Did anything surprise you?

In your groups, after viewing the video below, decide how self-driving cars should react and defend your position.

Ancient Greece