Thursday, 30 March 2017

What's due, and What's coming up

1. Should be able to answer this question when asked. The answer is your ticket to race your chariot.

2. Should have sent me these answers on March 15 (The ides of March)

3. Should have done these questions long ago, if you haven't, send them in.

2 and 3 above we will correct in class on Tuesday. Get them done before then.

This Friday we race our chariots. See below for what is needed by Friday.

-Make a video introduction, gladiator style, about why your sphero is the greatest.

-Race one is a timed race around the course. The sphero must be programmed to automatically complete the course. Fastest time wins.

- Race two is a mass start. The sphero that completes the course first, with chariot attached, wins.

Remember, chariots must be propelled by the sphero. Spheros are taken off the course once the chariot is no longer attached. Other than that, we don't have many other rules.  Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favour.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Your Chariot

Here is a clip of chariot racing from what was the most expensive film ever made, famous for all the money they spent on sets and animals, and making it in colour! Ben-Hur

When done your assignments that we talked about yesterday, we will go onto making a chariot.

Design your chariot. It must be built for speed AND collisions. The teacher has some limited supplies, so bring supplies from home, especially a large plastic cup. Make sure to make the chariot look awesome. If you don't have supplies, then we go back to answering questions.

Make a 30 second to 1 minute video highlighting the features of your chariot and why it so awesome. An iMovie trailer might be good for that. Here are some examples from last year.

Race 1 A Warm-Up
Program you chariot to go around a 10ft bench. This is timed and a chance for your 4 horses (sphero) to limber up.

Race 2 Stuff Just Got Real
A mass start. Horses (spheros) running loose will be removed from the track. First one to finish (survive) 10 laps wins.

Last Year's race below.

Here is a code from the program Tickle that Traci-Lynn has provided.

Tuesday, 14 March 2017

Pie Day

We have talked about the ancient Greeks and their mathematical philosophers and the Pythagorus Math Cult. Today we will study the circular arches and domes that the Romans built with the math knowledge that they acquired.

1. Give an example of a building in Winnipeg that has been influenced by Roman Architecture. More about the influences of Roman Architecture is here and some prominent Winnipeg buildings are here

Some more readings here

2.What important architecture material did the Romans create?

3.What important architecture shape did the Romans start using?
