Friday, 28 October 2016

Friday, Oct 28

We are marking the the 5 questions based on the 5 minute movie below. A reminder, as told at class and which was on the announcements, that extra help is available after school and at lunch to get these 5 questions done.

Whose charming demon has the tail of a dog?
Whose demon attacks when one is tying their shoes?
Whose demon would kill everyone in the village?
Whose demon eats anything in its path?
Whose Ammit eats wimpy soccer players?
Whose Ammit attacks by first clawing out the eyes?
Whose demon hunts on land AND water?
Whose Ammit has a Prairie Dog behind?

Checking the Grade 8 Tech Kid-Blog
Whose demon is the friendliest and safest to be around?
What kind of weather does Caylin's Ammit like?
Where does Adelina's Ammit live?
What does Christina's Ammit eat?
Where does Abby's Ammit live?
Natalie's demon really likes eating what?
Why can Zander's demon climb trees?
How does Davenport's demon drink maple syrup?
Claire's demon has the teeth of what animal?

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

How are you doing, grade wise?

Your entered marks are here, log in with your computer id and log in password. If doing this with an app on an IOS device, the district code is SMTF

Monday, 3 October 2016

Writing and Money

New to us, but old to early people, are the everyday tools and skills used to survive. 

With the power of writing, Hammurabi, the Babylon king who conquered what was Mesopotamia, gave the kingdom a set of rules to live by, with clear consequences for breaking those rules. This helped make everyone accountable, a clear set of rules for all to live by, though the rules did not treat everyone fairly. 
Browse through the list. Blog the answers below
1. If Mariah's locker was robbed and we don't catch the robber, then what do we have to do?

2. How much would Joshua have to be paid for working in the fields for a whole year? (hint, look in the 250s)

3. If Aiden accuses Christina of cheating at volleyball, and Christina can swim in the river, what happens? If Christina can't swim in the river, what all happens?

4. The concept of money also began in Mesopotamia. Explain how the concept of money makes it easier to buy a onion rings at A&W and then a slurpee at 7-11.

Writing and Money

New to us, but old to early people, are the everyday tools and skills used to survive. 

With the power of writing, Hammurabi gave Mesopotamia a set of rules to live by, with clear consequences for breaking those rules. This helped make everyone accountable, a clear set of rules for all to live by. 
Browse through the list. Blog the answers below
1. If Mariah's locker was robbed and we don't catch the robber, then what do we have to do?
2. How much would Joshua have to be paid for working in the fields for a whole year?

3. The concept of money also began in Mesopotamia. Explain how the concept of money makes it easier to buy a onion rings at A&W and then a slurpee at 7-11.