Wednesday 18 May 2016

The Cold War

With Lyndon Johnson's new biography coming up, how and why did the Cold War heat up!!

The Industrial Revolution

Read this link here 

1. What was the role of the spinning wheel in the Industrial Revolution?

2. How many shirts would one have before the Industrial Revolution?

 3.How did the lives of people changed with the invention of the modern factory?
-How one lived
-Where one lived
-Social Mobility
-Living conditions

4. What was, is a luddite? What motivated them?

Age of Elightenment

Not in our curriculum, but how do you get from the Renaissance to the Industrial Revolution with Enlightenment?

In the teacher provided Links at the top of the page, I have posted sites that give information about changes in society that led to the Renaissance, which means Rebirth. Devour those pages and become a class expert on what lead to the Renaissance. Using the links found in the link above, title 'links,' find the main causes for the start of the Renaissance. Be prepared to defend your answer.

Friday 6 May 2016


With help from what was shown in class, and these links, link 1link 2link 3, answer the following questions.
1.What was the purpose for building such an elaborate structure?
2.What use did gargoyles have?
3.Why were flying buttresses needed?
4.Besides allowing light, what other purpose did stain glass windows serve?
5.List five other interesting facts you found about the Cathedrals.
6.What techniques were used to give the impression of height and light?
7.Why did they want to give the impression of height and light?
8.Compare your answer in number 7 to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians,Greeks and Romans.