Wednesday, 16 March 2016

Project Timeline

Wednesday-March 16
Double period-Chariots completed
Thursday-March 17
30-1minute video extolling the virtues of your chariot handed into the teacher.
Monday-March 21
Coding chariot to go around the 10ft bench
Tuesday-March 22
Final testing and viewing of the videos
Wednesday-March 23
2 Races
Race 1 Old School Roman Style
Mass Start-all the chariots compete. First Chariot to complete 7 laps.
Race 2 New Age
Timed race done with coding.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

Roman Roads

Information on Roman roads is here and here 1. Give 2 reasons why good roads would be important 2. Who did most of the road building? 3. How would the engineers keep the roads straight over a long distance? 4. What were stone markers used for? 5. What form of traffic did the roads most often see? 6. What similarities are there between how the Roman roads were build and how our highways are built?
POST Answers Below!

Field Trip to Siloam Mission

Field Trip April 11, Monday Afternoon, to Siloam Mission

Citizenship and Social Responsibility are major outcomes of the Social Studies curriculum. Siloam Mission is a local charity that our school has supported. For the afternoon of April 11, we have arranged a tour and presentation at Siloam Mission. We will be leaving school at 1pm and be back before 3:30. Attached is the permission form that was handed out in class. Only the first page needs to be returned. We are in need of a driver and if you could volunteer, please contact me.

Wednesday, 2 March 2016


Later this month is the day of the Snake of Sunlight

The fantastic stories of huge abandoned cities in the jungle are actually true, they are Mayan cities, and nobody really knows what happened

Read this Article and answer the questions below from your reading.

1. Why would being painted blue not be a good thing to living a long life?

2. Name two Mayan Gods

3. Name something used for currency

4. Name a theory as to why this large and powerful society collapsed

5. What development enabled the Mayan people to build a large empire?